RSO Training
Radiation Safety Officer Training & License Application Assistance
This practical hands-on course ensures compliance with NRC, State, and DOT Regulations for your site-specific license. Whether you need (Radiation Safety Officer) RSO training for the first time or desire a refresher course, SABIA will custom design a training program that meets the requirements of your regulatory agency. Training is conducted onsite at your facility or SABIA’s Corporate Office in San Diego, CA.
Site-Specific Radioactive Materials License application and license renewal assistance are included with the RSO training. In addition, SABIA will assist the designated RSO with a Radiation Protection Program specifically designed for your company.
Who Should Attend RSO Training
The course is directed towards the new designated RSO and/or alternate RSO for your company. In addition to the designated RSO, many companies choose to train maintenance personnel who work with or around fixed nuclear gauges in the plant.
RSO Training Course Outline
- What is radiation
- How does radiation interact with matter
- Types of radiation & relative hazards
- Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
- Biological effects of radiation
- Radiation dose limits
- Internal vs. external exposure
- Units of radiation
- Radioactive decay
- Radiation protection
- Radiation vs. contamination
- Use of time, distance, and shielding
- ALARA concept
- Nuclear elemental analyzers theory of operation
- Fixed nuclear gauges (density, level, etc.)
- Radiation safety instruction – user training
- Posting of signs
- Emergency response
- Fires and accidents
- Obligation of workers
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations
- 10 CFR part 20 – Standards for Protection Against Radiation
- 49 CFR – DOT Regulations
- NRC & Agreement State Licenses
- NUREG 1556, Vol. 4
- Site Specific License
- Authorized use and limitations
- Organization & scope of program
- Training, retraining and instructions to workers
- Internal audits
- Facilities
- Isotopes, quantities, use authorized on license
- Leak tests, inventory, record maintenance
- Radiation surveys, equipment and calibrations
- Receipt & transfer documentation of radioactive material
- Transportation per 10cfr 71.5 and 49CFR 170-189
- Personnel protection and monitoring
- Notifications and reports
- Posting NRC Form 3 “Notice to Workers”
- Bulletins, information notices, evaluation of other factors
- Radiation Safety Officer duties and responsibilities
- Ensuring safety & compliance with NRC, State, and DOT regulations
- Documentation maintenance
- Ensuring exposure ALARA
- Monitoring and surveys
- Nuclear material receipt, shipments, packaging, storage, and labeling
- Leak testing frequency of sealed sources
- Auditing, deficiencies, recommendations for change
- Corrective actions & notifications within required time limits
- Maintaining and understanding of up-to-date copies of regulations, revised procedures, license amendments, and changes in activities